Test Construction
Configure test templates, workflows and schedules to ensure uniform presentation and production of your tests, whilst enabling your Assessment Managers to focus on content, test design and score validity features.
Test Blueprints
Create re-usable templates that follow the QTI standard to ensure that every test you create is fair and valid.
Configurable test workflows
Assign users to construct tests and then to review, and edit them either individually or in managed teams.
Linear Tests
Create linear tests with precise selection rules to enable automated test construction.
Configurable workflow schedules
Optimise your production schedules and then let Minerva send all assigned users updates to keep things on track.
Paper-Based Tests
Generate print-ready PDFs for all of your test materials, complete with instructions and branding.
Item Analysis
Use the built-in Classical and IRT (Rasch) item analysis tools to evaluate and calibrate items.
Adaptive Tests
Create your own item selection rules to work with Minerva’s powerful adaptive testing algorithm to create a tailored assessment for every candidate.
Test QA
Launch CB tests from the system before publishing so that you can review and evaluate them exactly as candidates would see them.
Item Production
Test Construction
Session Management
Test Delivery
Results Production
Business Development
Product Development
Content Repurposing
Custom Solutions