Business Development

Talk to us about how we can help you to optimise your business processes to improve customer experience, review and evaluate your product range, and increase the assessment literacy and skills of your teams.

Business Analysis

Your business is more than the sum of its parts. Your customer proposition is a function of your people, your software applications, your products and business processes, and your approach to customer engagement.

We can work with your senior management team to understand and document the key elements and features of your existing business model. We then identify required changes and new requirements that will feed into a business transformation plan.

It is crucial to identify the sequence in which changes should be made, the speed and costs of implementation, and to identify the measurable benefits to you and your customers that the plan will deliver.

We can be with you on every step of this journey to ensure your business achieves its potential for growth and increased profitability.

Capacity Building

When it comes to assessment, it’s your human resources, the people who work for you, that impact most on your supply and value chains. Evaluating these areas, can identify important training opportunities that will develop and enhance the skills your teams need in order to become more effective in their roles.

We can help you offer targeted training programs across a range of assessment literacy areas, for example:

Investing in your staff by offering them the chance to develop new assessment skills will give you a significant return on your investment for them as individuals, whilst building your overall capacity as an organisation.

Expert Resources

Resourcing to take on new projects can be challenging for any organisation. If you do need additional resources in the short-term, then we can provide expert panels to ensure new and existing tests capture the relevant thinking on the test construct and purpose. We also have highly experienced item writers who can help design new item types and develop item production methodologies. We can then transfer the necessary knowledge and skills over to your teams to operationalise so that that they can manage the future production of the test.

Item Production | Test Construction | Session Management | Test Delivery | Results Production
Business Development | Product Development | Content Repurposing | Custom Solutions
